The Pantomime Store

Dick Whittington - Small Set 

Dick Whittington - Small Set

[ Synopsis | Hanging Plot ]



Masking: Three Sets of Portals - Canvas & frame headers/solid legs

Scene 1 Prologue Gauze with Separate Suspended Cut Out Title
(Gauze Highgate Hill)

Scene 2 London’s Cheapside
(Two Trucks - Ground Row set against theatre’s cyc)

Scene 3 A Street In London
(Front Cloth)

Scene 4 Fitzwarren’s Store
(Revolve of trucks from Scene 2 with flip to make centre section)

Scene 5 On The Way To Highgate Hill (Repeat of Scene 3)

Scene 6 Highgate Hill Repeat of Scene 1 - Prologue Gauze)

Scene 7 Dick Whittington’s Dream
(Frenchman with treads and rostra with suspended cut out bell)


Scene 8 The Tavern At The Quayside
(Two trucks from Scene 2 - ship set upstage with rostra and
treads and extra flat section)

Scene 9 In The Early Hours
(Repeat of Scene 3)

Scene 10 On Board The Saucy Sal (Centre Ship Truck & Practical Mast)

Scene 11 Davey Jones Locker (U.V. Scene not included - usually hired in)

Scene 12 The Shores Of Morocco (Front Cloth)

Scene 12A The Sultan’s Palace
(Frenchman rostra & reverse of ground row from Scene 2 + 2

Scene 14 Song Sheet

Scene 15 Finale (Rostra, Treads, Frenchman from Scene 8 plus extra
Frenchman + 2 Flats)

Cloths: Approximately 40’ wide x 20’ drop - All Tie On

Hanging Plot

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